Monday, September 22, 2008

Podcast #159 - Indy Bash and the Summit.

Indy bash '08 and the CamaroZ28.COM Summit. What a great weekend of events. We discuss everything that went on this weekend with the Indy bash and the CamaroZ28.COM Summit.
We have a voicemail for the week.

The Michigan GM event is coming up on October 4, 2008. For all the details check out

Blogs are now live on CamaroZ28.COM! Just click on the blogs link on the top nav car in the message board to see them. Who knows, maybe we'll choose a blog of the week next?

We just launched our new Links program. You can check it out at This service allows you to add your personal website or car clubs site on our new Links page. It is very integrated with the Message board so you won't needs an additional account. Go check it out! Submit your site and have a chance of being chosen as our weekly site of the week.

You can now listen to this podcast right from your cell phone at anytime. Just dial 650-644-1939 and our newest episode of our Podcast will be availble for you to listen.

If you'd like to be in our Podcast by asking a question, or just making a comment, we have a phone number you can call now. It is (586)486-3182 or you can e-mail a question to both of us at Also, if you enjoy the Podcast please fill out our survey at$