Sunday, August 10, 2014

Camaro Podcast #466 - Convoy of Alleged 6th Gen Camaro's

Convoy of Alleged 6th Gen Camaro’s.

There appears to be more 6th Gen Camaro’s caught in the wild.  The images seem to be more hi-res than the pictures that were previously taken…probably from a drone.  You can check them out at  Tell us what you think of these pictures.

Do you like fast cars?  Do you like beer?  Well, check out our second episode of a new project we are working on called Gears and Beers.  Let us know what you think.  Episode 3 of the Gears and Beers show was released this week.

Is there another Hellcat on the way?

We have three voicemails this week and one e-mail.  Keep your voicemails and e-mail coming.  You can always hit us up on Facebook and Twitter as well.

The next generation Volt was teased this week and announced it will be shown at the 2015 NAIAS in Detroit.

You can know hear our show on Stitcher Radio.  Stitcher allows you to listen to your favorite shows directly from your iPhone, Android Phone,  BlackBerry and Palm WebOS.  On-demand and on the go! Don’t have Stitcher? Download it for free today at

If you'd like to be in our Podcast by asking a question, or just making a comment, we have a phone number you can call now. It is (586)486-3182 or you can e-mail a question to both of us at Also, if you enjoy the Podcast please fill out our survey at